the shopkeeper and the rocket launcher

So I have decided to start adding other things to this blog besides my own ramblings about my life. I am doing this for two reasons. One, I have been told that blogging can be a useful thing to show a prospective employer when trying to get a job. I have a hunch that most … Continue reading

election night and puppies

Monday was election night here in Toronto and it was quite a night. Don’t ask me how I feel about the outcome, I need to try and be neutral for the sake of my journalism career. I think that might be a challenge for me. Anyhow, we were tasked with covering the election for our … Continue reading

my apologies

I apologize. I have been very bad about updating this blog since school started. I feared this might happen and I will try very hard to get better. This also applies to anyone that I have promised a letter, I have good intentions but time seems to get away from me. So in an effort … Continue reading