Sad September

Are you ready for some melancholy ramblings? If not you should probably stop reading now. Normally I love fall. I’m usually one of those people who gets excited about sweaters and pumpkin flavoured foods. Fall is a fresh start. It’s a second new year. It feels like a gift. (Having a september birthday probably didn’t … Continue reading

Take Back the Block

Remember when I said sexual assault can happen to anyone, lets do something about it? Here’s what I was talking about. If you’re in Toronto please come, Facebook event here.

Fashion fascination

Allow me to be frivolous for one post please! It’s New York Fashion Week, and while I am quite possibly the least fashionable person I know, I do have a small obsession with fashion blogs. Yes if you think about the concept of fashion blogs too long it gets a little weird and narcissistic. People posting … Continue reading

Near Miss

This man is wanted as a suspect in a case of sexual assaults in my old Toronto neighbourhood. Now I’m afraid that the same thing almost happened to me a year and a half ago. I was walking to school in the middle of the day down Church street, near where one of the attacks occurred. … Continue reading