Books2013: African Women by Mark Mathabane

MCC Zambia has a huge library of books that volunteers can borrow. Kathy, one of the country reps, suggested I read African Women by Mark Mathabane to provide some background for my work here. While the book chronicles the lives of three women in South Africa under apartheid (the author’s sister, mother and grandmother), I’m … Continue reading

Around the house

I’ve had a few requests for photos of where I’m staying, so for your viewing pleasure here’s a photo tour of the MCC compound in Lusaka. Because the green in the yard all blends together it’s hard to get a photo that really shows what it’s like, but hopefully this gives you an idea.

Books2013: Mary Anne’s Bad Luck Mystery

My second post for Baby-Sitters Club Bloggin’. Unfortunately I won’t be able to do anymore while I’m away — here’s hoping they’re still going strong when I get back in June. Mary Anne’s Bad Luck Mystery. I always loved getting chain letters as a kid. It was exciting to find mail at the post office … Continue reading

Rainy season

It’s rainy season here in Zambia. Contrary to my initial understanding this does not mean it rains all the time, it just means it rains often, interspersed with sun. And when it rains, boy does it come down. On Sunday we had a big downpour that took out part of a tree near my kitchen … Continue reading

Learning to speak Zambian

Here in Zambia, or at least in Lusaka, the working language is English. I can buy groceries, talk to teachers, or ask for directions all with English. But just because someone speaks English doesn’t necessarily mean they will understand me. Part of the problem is the accent. Just like in Toronto I sometimes misunderstand tourists … Continue reading