Victoria falls and beyond

Sorry for the long silence, but life here has been busy. My last few weeks in Zambia were spent following up with people finishing up everything I should have been doing the last two months so I wouldn’t have had a big crunch at the end. Then I spent the weekend at a retreat on … Continue reading

What do you say

There is no good way to ask a teenager if their parents are still alive. There is no good way to have a girl tell you about the time her mother was attacked by dogs while working to pay for her school fees. There is no good way to respond when a woman tells you … Continue reading

Book2013 recap

Well, I have fallen woefully behind on my book blog posts. Partially because I’ve found more interesting things to write about, and partially because I’ve been doing more reading than I expected. MCC Zambia has a great library and there’s not a lot to do here in the evenings. So instead of writing one post … Continue reading