the financial meltdown for idiots

photo from Planet Money Have you ever wondered what caused this financial crisis everyone has been talking about the past two years? Yeah, me too. Apparently what started it all was too many mortgage-backed securities. I had an International Development Studies prof try to explain the concept of mortgage-backed securities to me for about half … Continue reading

my first byline

It appears that I am a late bloomer, I just got my first by line ever! Unless you count Canadian Mennonite, which I don’t only because it was a personal reflection and not news. It may have taken me all of 23 years but I think it’s still exciting. I won’t say too much about … Continue reading

there’s no place like a new home

photo by Ashley Cole Welcome to my new home! I’m very sorry for the confusion. Let me explain, I have always been disatisfied with the way the blogspot site looked. It has the blogger bar at the top and the colour choices weren’t great, oh and the formatting of the posts was a pain. Blogger … Continue reading

twitter illiterate

I have a confession to make. You know that thing called twitter, I have had an account for several months. Why haven’t you heard about it? Well I have yet to write a single tweet. While I have the account I think that technically makes me a twitter virgin. At the moment I am following … Continue reading

why i’m not wearing a poppy

I never questioned it when I was in school. I paid my 25 cents, put on a poppy and went to the remembrance day assembly. I stood for the moment of silence, sang in the choir and even participated in a dance one year. It didn’t occur to me that remembrance day was in contradiction … Continue reading