In my ear

I’ve had a request from my sister to share a list of the podcasts I listen to. As someone who loves radio you would think this would be a big list, but actually I’m pretty picky. I hate letting podcasts pile up, so if I don’t love it I deleted it. This is my list … Continue reading

My love/hate relationship with catcalls

I first heard the honking from a small red pick-up truck as I crossed the street on my walk home from the library a few weeks ago. I looked around to see if I was about to be run over or if there was a traffic incident I hadn’t noticed, but then as the truck … Continue reading

Now what?

Yesterday I handed in the very last piece of my masters degree, the major research project. Yes that radio documentary that I have been talking about for months and that most of you have been asking me if I’m FINALLY done yet – yes that thing, it’s done! I can hardly believe it’s over, and … Continue reading

LA living

Most of you probably know this already, but I’ve been in LA for the last couple of days (after a sojourn in BC with the parents). Now that I’m back I thought I’d share some moments from the trip with y’all. I was in need of a change of pace after all the thesis madness … Continue reading