One day too late

Sorry if you’re sick of reading posts related to jobs, but the hunt is taking up a lot of my mental capacity right now so that’s how it is. This week I finished reading Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers. It was great. But it did get me thinking about timing, success and opportunities and whether I’m on the … Continue reading

In my kitchen

Let me start with a disclaimer — I am not even close to a master chef. Many of my kitchen experiments fail. But I do have a few recipes that people seem to like (which are mostly stolen/adapted from other people), so this week I thought I’d share two that I haven’t been able to … Continue reading

What am I writing for

Today I had my last class in Edward Keenan’s Writing is a business course.  One part of the class was about making the mental shift from the writer who hangs out in coffee shops and writes when the mood strikes to a business owner who writes in order to make a living. The other part … Continue reading