Out of the city and back again

Well I’m back. Back to blogging and back to Toronto. Although I suppose I’ve actually been back for almost three weeks so perhaps that statement wasn’t entirely accurate. It’s been a busy few weeks, however, so perhaps you will forgive me.

Now where to start? I suppose Waterloo is as good a place as any. My time in Waterloo was fun, although a little lonely at times. I learned a lot and worked hard getting the Canadian Mennonite Young Voices section set up. I’ve never really been in charge of something like that so figuring out what needed to be done was entirely new to me. I’m sure there is still much to learn, and Young Voices is still in the early stages. But I plan to work on it throughout the year and I’m excited to see where it goes.

Another highlight was that all the correspondents were given new Cannon digital SLRs to use – I definitely made good use of it at Assembly.

The Canadian Mennonite staff were surprised with brand new Cannon SLRs! Photo: Dave Rogalsaky

However, living in a city where I didn’t know anyone was a challenge socially, and given the short-term stay I had little motivation to make an effort to meet people. My co-workers were all lovely, but after work hours I rarely talked to anyone. I did however have a great time when Regan and Ashley came to stay (not at the same time mind you).

Now I’m back in Toronto. Waterloo was a nice place to live, but I’m happy to be in the city again. This is where I know people and I’m familiar with neighbourhoods and places to go. It’s also way easier to get together with people when you don’t have to take the greyhound in. I’ve also realized (again) that I’m a city person more than anything else. I love being able to walk, cycle or transit anywhere I need to go. It’s so much cheaper an healthier for me and the environment. Though I do love being able to get away from the city, something that I haven’t had much opportunity for in Toronto. But for now I’m happy to be in hogtown.

Speaking of cycling I have purchased a bike! I’ve been meaning to do it for a a while because cycling is often the most efficient way to get around here. Then one day my friend Brigitte and I were having dinner and afterwards she took my to this great vintage store where I bought my lovely bike. I haven’t named him yet – so if you’ve got a suggestion send it my way.

It’s been great so far, I feel so much free-er to explore the city without paying for transit each time. There was, however, one mishap with me and some streetcar tracks which ended up with me on the ground. Thankfully I was not run over by the taxis around me and all I’ve only got a few scrapes and bruises to show for it. Needless to say I’m now in the market for a helmet, though that’s been far more complicated than I anticipated.

After moving back I didn’t have long to settle in before I started work at CBC as an intern on The Current. I was terribly excited to get started, though surprising didn’t suffer the sleepless night before the first day. Aside from the work, I love just being in the CBC. Although I don’t have a full pass so the guard still has to let me in. I’ve passed a few CBC legends in the hallways which always gives me a thrill (The Voice, Jian Ghomeshi and Anna Maria Tremonti).

Now that I’ve been there a few weeks I’m getting settled in. Of course there is still lots for me to learn, and there are so many small details about the way the show is made and how things are organized that it still takes longer for me to do things. But I’m learning so much about how radio works, at least for current affairs, and I really like what I’m doing. It feels good to be working at a job that I enjoy (most of the time). And this week a show that I produced will be airing! The time and date are not known yet, but I will share once it’s set.

That’s all for now – hope you’re all happy and healthy!

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