On leaving Toronto

When I was trying decide whether or not I should take this new job with MCC, I had a thought: “If moving was the right thing to do, I wouldn’t feel this upset about it.” I was distraught at the idea of leaving Toronto, and was trying to give myself excuses to stay. Of course … Continue reading

Take Back the Block

Remember when I said sexual assault can happen to anyone, lets do something about it? Here’s what I was talking about. If you’re in Toronto please come, Facebook event here.

Near Miss

This man is wanted as a suspect in a case of sexual assaults in my old Toronto neighbourhood. Now I’m afraid that the same thing almost happened to me a year and a half ago. I was walking to school in the middle of the day down Church street, near where one of the attacks occurred. … Continue reading

A home is …

As most of you know my school year is coming to an end, I’m about to graduate (or at least stop going to class). But as school ends so begins the horrible job hunting season. I’m sure you’ve heard already, but the journalism job market isn’t so great right now, and so I’ve been applying … Continue reading

My first radio scene – Toronto Poetry Slam

The Toronto Poetry Slam is not your typical evening of poetry — there are catcalls, cheering and judges involved. Last weekend I recorded the slam for an assignment for my radio documentary class and then turned it into a four minute scene. There  are several things I would do differently, and there were technically problems … Continue reading